GIT-1 (Introduction to version contoller)

What if there is no Ctr+z (undo) command in entire life..........

Image result for git logo 


It is horrible for even think about it Ctrl+z have saved us for many years.

But when it is come to programming undo command can't save us always, because if we create software it is not a just one file like word document to undo all the way to to begin because making a software( or website) or any kind of coding related project is not single process.

Version controller

     Version controller is the management of changes to documents, computer programs, large web sites, and other collection of information


 1. Collaboration

       Creating software is not a single developer task bunch of software developers works on a system and build it.So dev team need to share codes with others and chose best one and continue with that, so dev team can't always use USB and copy paste pass among the all dev members.

2. Storing version
      Think dev team want to save the state of software that might bea useful in future or dev team trying to step in to risk change in source code that might be change the whole dev process but need to take that risk so rather than keeping backup on teams' drive what if they had single command that is why we need version controller

3. Back up
     As I said back is most wanted thing in dev team rather thank keeping local backup we can use remote backup using version controller like github bitbucket. 

  1. git
  2. Apache subversion
  3. CVS
  4. mercurial  
 git is the most popular version control tool right now.
what is repository???
   repository is nothing but folder that saves is data space where you save all the files.

local repository and central repository...

   developers do there changes on local repository when devs' need to share or save for long time they push local repository to central repository,on other hand if dev team want the code from central repository they use pull  command don't worry I will explain this in next sessions.

git vs github

you might thnik git and git hub same or not it is completely different git is the technology that we use for this version controlling.while github is website that we use to save collection of code if we want to  pull(we'll teach later) private which means no one can't see our code on web we need to pay for github but we can save public codes in github for free.atlast github is place to save code.

